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This is an image in a health magazine promoting a coffee product advertised to burn fat. The use of the image e.g. a portion of fries literally on fire allows the target audience of health nuts or people wishing to shed some pounds to actually see he enemy (fat) being eliminated. Alternatively, the portion of fries closely resembles the design of McDonalds. This overall portrays the idea that they are directly taking on large industries famed for promoting fast food and an unhealthy lifestyle.
The positioning of the image also sparks my interest as the actual ad is about selling the coffee; however, the biggest, most eye-catching image is that of the burning fries. This means that although the company is trying to sell the coffee, their main clients are those who are willing to lose weight no matter what. This explains why the image of the burning fat is more capturing than that of the coffee.
The choice of red against a charcoal background allows the fries to stand out thus portraying the idea that the fat burning is of the up-most importance. The “lighting” is similar to an advert promoting a new phone or gadget suggesting that burning fat is modern, versatile and desired. This further promotes the coffee product as it is a gateway to burning fat.
The font used is simple and lower case almost portraying the idea that burning fat shouldn’t be given a second thought, it should just happen. In the lower part of the ad the coffee is advertised similarly to a cure. Orders are given resembling the flu slogan, “catch it. Bin it. Kill it.” Almost as if they view fat as an illness. This is also evident through the use of small print describing the coffee because the audience sees the brand before reading what it actually is and associates it with burning fat.
The word choices throughout the ad stigmatise the fat as an ‘it’ thus portraying it as an enemy and objectifying it. Moreover, the use of the word burn typically relates to wars in the media. In ‘ The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay part 1’ the popular statement “if we burn, you burn with us.” This quote highlights the friction between the Capitol and the districts. Comparatively, this choice of words sees fat- promoting industries as the Capitol and small businesses like this as the districts.