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Top of the pops is clearly a children’s magazine with an average age reader of 12 years old. This means that the content of the magazine must be suitable for this readership. If content is too mature or misunderstood, potential complaints could cause the magazine to suspend publishing.
As the majority of the readership demographic is female, the content inside must be tailored to suit their interests. For example, girls of this age might not necessarily be interested in golf and therefore would not continue buying or consider purchasing the magazine.
As most of the issues are actively bought rather than subscribed for, the front cover is the main point of attraction. This means that bright images and colours should be used to attract readers on a magazine shelf.
The majority of readers of the ‘Rolling Stone’ are men; however, there is still a large percentage of female readers. This means that although the magazines content must suit a male demographic, there is still a female audience which should still have content tailored to their interests.
Furthermore, the age ranges of readers ranges from 18- over 55. This means that content should be well spread across each of these age brackets to ensure that readers are satisfied with the product that they are purchasing.
Moreover, despite the fact that the majority of their demographic is white. It is still important to demonstrate diversity in the magazine to not only cater to those in different ethnicities but to also demonstrate interest in them and potentially draw in new readers.
The majority of the audience is male but there is still a fairly strong female percentage which needs to be catered to. This means that features should perhaps not be aimed specifically at gender but interests as a whole. Especially as the world of music is so diverse.
Despite popular belief, Q’s readership is predominantly made up of 15-34 year olds. This means that there is more youths that read the magazine than as you would have predicted. This type of audience may be more interested in features in relation to new artists and albums.
Furthermore, 68% of their readership demographic comes from lower middle class backgrounds or above. This is important because it means that they are more likely to be able to afford the higher prices Q set to provide higher quality, glossy pictures.
First of all, 60% of the readers get their issue delivered home which suggest that they have subscriptions to Billboard. This allows the magazine to focus less on the aesthetics of the cover and more on the actual content. However, the 40% that buy their copies at shops will still have to be intrigued to buy it.
As 45% keep their copies to look over throughout the year to look back on, the physical quality must be optimum to ensure that it stays in one piece as it is held on to. This may drive the price up slightly because the paper and printing will cost more to ensure it is of a higher quality.
This is acceptable because the majority of reader have been through college and are more likely to have a larger disposable income which they can spend on more expensive forms of media intake such as this magazine.